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ATENTIE !!! Fara nikuri/name indecente. Fara vocabular indecent. Fara prea multe posturi puse aiurea. Aveti grija la reclame pentru ca se vor platii. Respecta si vei fii respectat. Nerespectarea acestor mici reguli va aduce la banarea membrului/moderatorului.pe termen nelimitat. Userii cu avatare indecente sunt rugati sa le schimbe cu unele decente.Pentru Contact va rugam intrati in sectiunea Contact Administrator si trimeti e-mail la adinnicula@yahoo.com Nu ne asumam nici un risc in cazul in care unele programe downloada-te de voi nu corespund. Este obligatia dvs sa va conformati acestor termeni de utilizare pentru a putea folosi forumul http://Bucuresti.3xforum.ro . WARNING!!! Without nick's/name indecent. No indecent vocabulary. No posts made too many wrong. Watch the ads that are of payment. Respect and will be respected. Breaking these rules will bring little to be baned member/moderator on indefinitely. With indecent avatars users are asked to change some decent. To contact please enter in the Contact Manager and send e-mail to adinnicula@yahoo.com .I do not take any risk in case some programs not working. It is your obligation to comply the terms to use the forum.

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